I wrote this poem during my drive back to indiana. Hope someone may like it out there.
Go on..walk out on me
Part I. The past
Have I told you yet?
That I loved you
Have I showed you yet?
What your loveReally meant to me
With every step I takeI see you
With every breath I takeI feel you
Have I told you yet?
I wish I was a poet
To express my feeling
I wish I was an ill soul
To seek your healing
I wish I was a book
That you are reading
To tell you how I feel
Have I told you yet?
Something in your eyes
Something in your smile
Something in your voice
I haven’t told you yet
Have I?
Part II. The stab
A thousand knifes
No…NoA million cuts
No..not even that
A constant burning
In a flaming fire
You watched me burn
A persistent bleeding
On the slab of sacrifice
You watched me knealing
I could see your eyes
Staring at me
Feeling your grieving
Your hand never stopped
Slaughtering me
You rested your hand
On my forehead
I felt the warmth
After fearing to be dead
Your tears fell on my face
And, to you, I pled
Go ahead..walk out on me
You were never the first
But I promises
You shall be the last
Part III. The pain
I’d love to hate you
Forget you..or alone, leave you
I listen to the falling rain
To the calls of those in pain
I seek a sign, from those
who with you disagree
On your slab of sacrifice were slain
as they plea
It’s impossible for me
To tell you, or you to see
And my heart, from you to set free
From the mountains or the mighty sea
I’m chained, never able to flee
As you have awaken the freak in me
So yes, go on..walk out on me
You were not the first,
but the last shall be
Part IV. The verdict
My heart has been sealed
And locked to be panelized
To experience love, it, I prevent
For loving you, it’s criminalized
Stranger I shall remain, lonely
And constantly agonized
For no one should uncover this freak
Not the romans nor even the greek
As I surf alone in this bloody creek
Distend to be sealed, and never speak
For the moment love has made me sneak
A look at this world that we call unique
To be stabbed, with constant streak
All I wanted was…to be a no more freak
But the falling blood tears, from my eyes
will always leak
So yes..go ahead..walk out on me
You were not the first……
But I promise….
You will be the last
AAA 5/29/06
Drive Safely.....Blog about Jordan
17 years ago